About Ariysu's OC ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚*:.

Reference Sheet (click the pic)

NAME: Alin
AGE: 18 y.o
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 168,2 cm
WEIGHT: 52 kg
FAV FOOD: Candies, Sweets, Desserts


- She's Rai Girlfriend
- She's also pretty close with Zeyd, altho at first zeyd didnt really like her. but they now have been a good friends.
- to her, Vier is like a sister to her, altho sometimes she seems suspicious...
- always wear a turtleneck-like clothes bcs she's insecure with her long neck.
- oftenly tries to cover her wrist with bracelet or long sleeves bcs it has a scar on it. (it's small though.)
- she loves hugs and pats.
- the type who always bring positive vibes to everyone.
- She live in a modern mansion with her nanny.
- her parents died in an accident. her wealth comes from the inheritance of her parents.
- she owned a top clothing brand that has the same level as gcci, prda, etc. it was owned by her mother once.

AGE: 19 y.o
HEIGHT: 187,8 cm
WEIGHT: 74 kg
FAV FOOD: Spicy Foods


- He's Vier Lil Brother.
- He's Alin Boyfriend.
- Owned a 5-star spicy food restaurant with Zeyd.
- love to collect red colour shoes.
- only wear black colour tops.
- oftenly wear his 3 colour jackets bcs it's a precious gift from Alin.
- His Natural Hair Colour is Black (same as Vier), but he fully bleached it at the age of 15.
- y e s he and Vier is RICH (but not as rich as Alin)
- A natural fighter but prefer to avoid fighting bcs it's too troublesome
- if he finally willing to fight, then you're done (He usually use any objects near him and do a critical hit)
- almost never smile, but he ever smile once when he's with Alin
- Have trust issues, the only one he fully trust is Alin and Zeyd (yes he trust Vier too but not that much)
- not that good at making friends (isnt it obvious? lmao)
- His Mother was killed by His Father, and His Father was 'technically' killed by Vier
- He actually hard to smile bcs of the traumatic past his father did to him. (if he smile, his dad will hit him)

NAME: Vier
AGE: 22 y.o
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 158,3 cm
WEIGHT: 55,5 kg
FAV FOOD: Any Salad


- She's Rai big sis
- She has a name "Vier" ( means "Four" in German) bcs 4 is famous for its cursed number (besides 13). Her father gave it to her cz he thought she's a cursed child.
- She has a multiple personality disorder , which everytime she get triggered, she will switch to her sinister side.
- She truly love her brother (Rai) so much that he truly means the world to her.
- She always wear her hairpin bcs it's the last gift her mother gave to her before she died.
- Rarely smile and only smile in a few cases
- She's really shy when she's normal.
- She love to wear cute sexy clothes (But not infront of Rai, He hates it)
- yes this sibling is R I C H.
- Everything can be a weapon to her (She ever killed someone with her hairpin by stabbing it to his neck)
- She has so many secrets
- She alrd attempted suicide for a few times bcs she cant bear the sinister side of her anymore. But she always remembered Rai so that's why she stops.
- she's the victim of physical and verbal abused of her father when she was a kid.
- she works as a model for top brand products
- altho she's a well-known model, she never get caught for hurting and killing people. she has her own way for it.
- yes Rai's already know and understand about Vier's condition so it's not a problem to him.

NAME: Zeyden [Zeyd]
AGE: 18 y.o
HEIGHT: 183,5 cm
WEIGHT: 75 kg
Fav Food: Meat Dishes
Fav Colour: Cyan


- He's Rai closest friend (well we can say that he's the only friend that Rai's has)
- He owned a 5-star spicy food restaurant with Rai.
- He loves to tease a lot.
- always wear his black compression long sleeves shirt underneath
- The little white parts of his hair is a residual bleached hair, at first he wanted to bleach his hair like Rai but turned out he doesnt like it that well.
- he's good at boxing since his dad taught him for 7 years when he was a kid.
- an easygoing person.
- prefer to be single for now.
- That mouth of his cant control what he says most of the time.
- he likes to act before think, and ended up regreting it lol
- he lives with his mom since his dad died due to cancer. (but his mom is also sick so she's currently hospitalized)
- the pendant on the necklace he wear was his dad wedding ring.